Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To KRISTI & WERNIE,
Happy Birthday To You.
yah It was WERNIE & KRISTI's PARTY!!!
both of you are legal now. lol.
so left anna and may which is now stil under 18! =)
went queensbay in the afternoon to get their presents.
after their presents were settled, went back home to get ready.
yj, greg and yk came at around7.30pm (lol. sorry for waiting)
we went to a foodcourt somewhere near Island Plaza to meet up for the rest.
den headed to Wern's house.
" ding dong "
the gates opened.
first i saw was Kristi!
that day was her exact birthday. :)
then wernie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wernie! :)
alright. i was hungry at that time. so grabbed some food for my stomach first. hehe
pictures? later la. eat more important. Lol.
met up my long-time-never-meet-friends.
anna, kristi, may, melissa, wern
kinda miss those moments we studied in high school together.
so everyone was chit-chating, fooling around, busy eating and so on.
well. let me introduce the

Left : Kristi
23 August
the tallest among us
she's good in cooking, baking &......
she looked sexy is'nt? Lol
Right : Wern
27 August
a smart girl. currently studying in INTI.
anyway she looked cute in this pic. lol
once again. happy birthday to both of you.
hope you guys like the presents :)
okay pictures time. how can don't take pics in such a party like this?
Lol anyway most of the pictures came from Danny's camera.
i was eating my Pizza.
being lala.
smile to the camera :) *winks*
is a must to take picture with the birthday girls.
Kristi - Me - Wern
Lol. so colourful right?! haha!
they looked so matured and pretty that night :)

BOYS. they can play nonsense as if no one is there.
Colin, YonJian, Me, Ykhang, Wern
know them some times already.
great buddy :)
*deng deng deng deng*
CAKE time!
left : wern's cake
right : kristi's cake
the crowd.
quite a number of ppl attend the party.
sang birthday song for them.
they were trying to push her head down on the cake!
look at their hands. Lol.
both of them kena.
they were cleaning up in the toilet.
Kristi was unable to remove the stain on the dress.
so she gotta change her dress.
cutting cakes ceremony.
hmm again? Poor thing kristi!
this is how he smashed the cake on her face. Lol.
he seems to be enjoying right?haha
and now......

it's your turn!
don't beg. beg no cure. haha.
it's time for her to take revenge!
this is what happen if u did the same thing to people. LOL!
hmmm? Colin kena too? haha!
don't mess with me!!
Colin was busy washing his face. lol
YonJian, YeongKhang, Colin
Melissa, May, Anna
Group picture with the birthday girls
Evil Melissa!
Innocent Anna!
eewww! so disgusting!
guess what's that?
hint : something that can eat. haha!
while we're celebrating. our sweet friend from Japan, Jessica was "there" to be a part too.
we were webcam-ing with her.
Look! she was wearing pyjamas. so cute!
Yj, Me, Wern
Candid! i was playing the cards.
the gambling group.
Before & After.
Wern won so much in a few minutes time?
Lol! damn lucky her.
group picturesss
violence in the party.
YKhang! what are you trying to do to Colin?
took a picture before headed home.
wah pro skills lo you.
and THANK YOU! :)
Great Party
Great Night