29 August 2009
went Queensbay in the afternoon with Mum and Sis.
Mum brought me to Canton-i for lunch cause i said ive never been there.
So she brings me there for a try.
The food tasted good especially the Wan Tan Mee which is very famous in the restaurant.
other food tasted nice too. *thumbsup*
After lunch, did a little shopping with Mum and Sis.
I bought a pants and a top *wide smile*
when mum is about to go, it was already 6pm.
May was in queensbay with aric.
So i followed May since she's driving alone.
we went to pick YeeMing and went to hair saloon nearby Farlim cause May needs to get a hair cut.
The price is very cheap. I know May loves it after she has trimed her hair. Lol!

Canton-i @ Queensbay

Hair Saloon.
while waiting for May

After the hair cut, we headed to May's house cause may's car has curfew.
her car needs to be home at night.
So Colin came to pick us up for dinner.
BAK KUT TEH for dinner beside peng hua primary school.
Kwen meet us up too!
It's my first time eating bak kut teh with friends
and i found out that it's fun.
So, more bak kut teh dinner alright?! =D

while waiting for Colin's arrival

a nice shot taken by ym

Colin and YeeMing in front

Me and May taking picture at the back

After dinner, it was almost 10pm.
So Colin dropped us back to May's house.
May and I bathed and get ready cause our next plan is UPR.
while yeeming is already dressed up nicely so she was playing May's laptop.
may and I did some make up and surprisingly YeeMing wants it too!
haha so we helped her did a little make up. she looked more mature after that.
after we have done everything, Aric came to pick us up and then we headed to MOIS.
MOIS is packed as usual cause it's on saturday night.
They bring me and YM in vvip.
Anna and Amelia were there too.
i haven't seen Amelia for 9 months already. Lol.
It's the last time i clubbed with May them cause she and Anna are leaving to UK by end of this month.
how sad huh?
It's always fun to club with them and i dont know when will be the next time.
However i had fun on that night with my girls =D
Colin and Chuckie dropped by at the very last minute after watching football match.
Overnighted at YeeMing's place.
I called it a great Saturday night =)

Make-up session

Our favourite! <3

YeeMing's room.
That's me with her gingerbreadman!
planned to go dimsum the next morning with Colin but both of us chould'nt wake up so plan canceled.
ym's mum bought us lunch. Thanks Aunty! =D
Chuckie came to find us and we went to Mcd for tea time!
had a little chatting and we went off after that cause all of us are tired.
went back home and had my 3 hours of nap.
woke up, dinner with family then stay at home being a good girl.
It was Merdeka's eve but it seems not so happening than the previous years.
That's my Happenings in August Holiday.
To be truthfully i had lots fun.
But i felt a little upset cause there's a big hole in my pocket!
Outing = Spending Money
I'm currently broke now! =(
guess my blog will not be updating that often until my next outing or when im in the mood?
Lol! finally i've done updating everything. *tiring*
back to school work! BYE! =D