SUNDAY,today's not a family day as my parents are in kl right now.
so the three of us, my sisters and i were totally "NUAR" to the max!!
my house is really messy and untidy without MUM!
"what to do" and "what to eat" are the common decision we have to make.
we decided to have our dinner at Ananda.
took a picture before headed to ananda.
ya i know i looked funny and stupid in the first pic! but what to do? i memang like this. LOL!
after 15mins journey, finally we reached.hmm quite a number of people there
here are the foods we ordered:
first served!papadam and its free of charge :)
Limau ais and teh tarik. and the cacated hand belongs to my second sister!

roti telur and roti tisu *my favourite indian food* winks

mee goreng. does it looks like cacing?! *yucks*
mutton briyani. *yummy*

sis: quick quick! take a picture of mine.drinking teh tarik. so that i can post this in my blog.
picture after we hv finished the foods.
sis: wait wait, let me get ready first before u take la!
okay, my 2 weeks holidays just ended up like that.
nothing special during the holidays, just fooled around all the times :)
tomorrow school is gonna reopen so i should get ready all my stuff before i go to bed.
*new school* - hope i have fun there. wish me luck! :)
i spent the 2 weeks watching all of these! its reali nice series!! u guys must watch it okay?i guarantee u'll freaking enjoy them if u like watching hong kong series. trust me ^^v
my school uniform and school shoes! people in college,do u guys miss the moments back in high school where u guys needed to wear schoolU and school shoe? LOL! but obviously college life is so much nicer and fun. unlike sixth form ,stil need to wear school U like a primary students? what to do? this is rules!!
my needs!! i cant go to school without them. LOL!
well, thats all for now. i will update again about my new school on tomorrow.
good night people. sweet dreams. huggs