rot at home for the whole afternoon.
trying to finish up my homeworks.
but i gt stucked with my maths.
so instead of doing. i watched some dvds.
get ready myself at 7.30pm.
not to go for bon odori.
but greg and colin's birthday party.
weird hor. there's no rain yeasterday.
normally will rain during bon odori right. haha!
reached there at around 8.30pm?
paradise beach again . so wished the 2 bday boys.
there's only sunny in my gang. so we waited for the rest.
i were asked to be the camera girl. yes i know im pro in taking photos. haha!
May and Wern came, then we headed to ananda.
met my schoolmates YiLin and ZhengYing.
went back to beach for their ceromony of cutting cake. Lolz!
went back home at 12.30am. thanks to my parents for came all the way to fetched me back.
bathed and online for a while. slept at 2am.
*Pictures Of The Day*

is a must to take photo with the bday boys.
dob : 14 july
Happy Belated Birthday!
dob : 24 july
Happy Birthday in advance!
ANNA my girl.
my girl too!
YEONG KHANGits been ages since i last met u ya?
haha anyway take care in INTI.
please don't be so naughty in school. haha!
YONJIANthanks again. and you know what?
my mom said u grew fatter and better looking. haha!
good luck and all the best in ur SPM yea :)

their birthday cake

they seemed so enjoying right? Lolz

Poor thing 1

Poor thing 2

all candid and random shot

Red + Red = EVIL !!
by MAY.