well, i've stopped blogging since 4 months ago due to STPM.
but now im back to blogging spirit! welcome me back to blogspot =D
my blog is no longer dead from now on! hehe
so i'll just start off with the recent month which is the happenings in December.
Let's talk about the last chapter of my school life.
I do really miss school and i meant it!
Miss MBS, my dearest friends, teachers, miss breaking school rules and even miss wearing school uniforms! =D
school life is always the best and fun =D

miss the moment making fun of her =D
9 December 2009
Last day of STPM and everyone waited for this day long time ago!
when the time striked 4pm
everyone screamed with joyness and was planning where to celebrate and stuff.
Last day of STPM and everyone waited for this day long time ago!
when the time striked 4pm
everyone screamed with joyness and was planning where to celebrate and stuff.
before we leave school. took a few last pictures of us wearing school uniform.
not gonna have the chance to wear it anymore.
somehow im feeling quite sad : (
but obviously feeling happy cause STPM has finally ended.
no more sleepless nights no more studying in state library.
not gonna have the chance to wear it anymore.
somehow im feeling quite sad : (
but obviously feeling happy cause STPM has finally ended.
no more sleepless nights no more studying in state library.
seriously i do miss the moment when i was studying with jacelyn in the library.
we'll get very pissed off when the form5 students make noise.
but now, Maybe we can go someday. im sure it will be pretty much better! =D

after got home from school, prepared everything then go out to have fun!
we'll get very pissed off when the form5 students make noise.
but now, Maybe we can go someday. im sure it will be pretty much better! =D

after got home from school, prepared everything then go out to have fun!
had bak kut teh with Yeeming, Chuckie and Colin.
then meet up with the rest at Coffee Island.
After chilling session at Coffee Island.
We headed to Mois because it was ladies night!
not so happening than what i've expected
10 December 2009
we catched a movie called 2012 at Gurney.
It was a great show. no regret watching it!
After movie, ban ho for dinner.
Chilled at Coffee Island
met Hannah and Yi Lin as well.
nothing much special, just a chilling day-out
11 December 2009
Yeeming and I have nothing to do so we decided to go gurney to watch movie
then meet up with the rest at Coffee Island.
After chilling session at Coffee Island.
We headed to Mois because it was ladies night!
not so happening than what i've expected

10 December 2009
we catched a movie called 2012 at Gurney.
It was a great show. no regret watching it!
After movie, ban ho for dinner.
Chilled at Coffee Island
met Hannah and Yi Lin as well.
nothing much special, just a chilling day-out

11 December 2009
Yeeming and I have nothing to do so we decided to go gurney to watch movie
but due to I-dont-know-what reason,
in the end we didnt watch any movie.
So me and ym went A&W for tea time while waiting for Eddy and John.
Then we had dinner at Northem Beach together.
After dinner we have no where else to go so the best one is Coffee Island.
Again! 3 days in a row! wooowwww!
but stil im not bored of the place yet =D

was taptap-ing with yeeming! <3>
12 December 2009
It was May's birthday!
first year dont get to celebrate with her cause she's in UK! =(
but i knew you had a great time over there =))
That night, we had KFC as dinner.
then Gurney drive for a walk.
Late night, clubbing at FAME.
It was a great night =D
Colin was KO
Flaming Lamborghini
19 December 2009
It was my dearest grandma's birthday
Everyone celebrated her birthday except me cause i was working at Autocity
Anyway Happy Birthday Ahma! <3>
was working at Autocity
21 December 2009
A night out with Jessica & Sunny at Dri Ananda
i havent seen them for awhile already.
Jessica came back from Japan for Holiday, and Sunny was busy with the upcoming exams!
had a great talk with them and updated each other =D
Jessica! <3 color="#ff0000" size="4">22 December 2009
Hiking in the morning with YeeMing and Eddy
was a productive one! =D
took a nap in the afternoon then headed to Gurney
was planning to watch Avatar and met Greg and ShinDee infront of cinema.
tickets of Both of the movies we wanted to watch are sold out.
so we decided to chill at some place.
Coffee Bean was the choice.
After chilling, dinner at Northem Beach.
Then meet up with the rest and headed to Sunrise Mcd
Was fun & happening although its just a normal chilling day-out
23 December 2009
went to find Jacelyn in the afternoon.
had lunch at KFC then went to her house after that.
we had a grreat time right? haha!
ohh ya she looks good with make-up! haha =)
it was fun to talk with her that day. Next time okay?
At night, Yeeming asked me to follow her to her friend's party and i do so.
We felt bored at the party so ym's friend borrowed us his City to let us drive around.
I was the one driving and the feeling was good.
will get Honda car next time!
Back home after the party
25 December 2009
Christmas dinner
It was awesome =)

i find that his top is cute and i like it. haha =D
in the end we didnt watch any movie.
So me and ym went A&W for tea time while waiting for Eddy and John.
Then we had dinner at Northem Beach together.
After dinner we have no where else to go so the best one is Coffee Island.
Again! 3 days in a row! wooowwww!
but stil im not bored of the place yet =D

12 December 2009
It was May's birthday!
first year dont get to celebrate with her cause she's in UK! =(
but i knew you had a great time over there =))
That night, we had KFC as dinner.
then Gurney drive for a walk.
Late night, clubbing at FAME.
It was a great night =D

19 December 2009
It was my dearest grandma's birthday
Everyone celebrated her birthday except me cause i was working at Autocity
Anyway Happy Birthday Ahma! <3>

21 December 2009
A night out with Jessica & Sunny at Dri Ananda
i havent seen them for awhile already.
Jessica came back from Japan for Holiday, and Sunny was busy with the upcoming exams!
had a great talk with them and updated each other =D

Hiking in the morning with YeeMing and Eddy
was a productive one! =D
took a nap in the afternoon then headed to Gurney
was planning to watch Avatar and met Greg and ShinDee infront of cinema.
tickets of Both of the movies we wanted to watch are sold out.
so we decided to chill at some place.
Coffee Bean was the choice.
After chilling, dinner at Northem Beach.
Then meet up with the rest and headed to Sunrise Mcd
Was fun & happening although its just a normal chilling day-out

23 December 2009
went to find Jacelyn in the afternoon.
had lunch at KFC then went to her house after that.
we had a grreat time right? haha!
ohh ya she looks good with make-up! haha =)
it was fun to talk with her that day. Next time okay?
At night, Yeeming asked me to follow her to her friend's party and i do so.
We felt bored at the party so ym's friend borrowed us his City to let us drive around.
I was the one driving and the feeling was good.
will get Honda car next time!
Back home after the party

25 December 2009
Christmas dinner
It was awesome =)

That time was 2am in the morning.
pity my parents gotta sacrifice their sleeping time to send me to hospital in middle of the night =(
Thanks to my keyboard made all these happened! duhh =.=
26 - 28 December 2009
KL trip with family!
I'm happy i got myself something there! =D
this post will end by here.
Will update more next time!
see you! I'll be right back! =D
upcoming posts:
1) chuckie's birthday
2) Christmas Eve
3) New Year's Eve
4) cultural night
5) Queensbay with J&P
Thanks to my keyboard made all these happened! duhh =.=
26 - 28 December 2009
KL trip with family!
I'm happy i got myself something there! =D
this post will end by here.
Will update more next time!
see you! I'll be right back! =D
upcoming posts:
1) chuckie's birthday
2) Christmas Eve
3) New Year's Eve
4) cultural night
5) Queensbay with J&P
1 comment:
ure from MBS too? hows mr khor hong yin? hahaha.
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