25 January 2009
It was CNY's eve. went Queensbay in the afternoon with family. had lunch at Sushi King. and we " Lou Yee Sang ". just a mini yee sang, it costs RM 8.88 . huat ah! quite a nice number. Lol. after lunch went shopping for awhile, but after a while we went back home cause most of the shops were closed already. everyone was rushing home for the reunion dinner. At night, had dinner at Ananda, i know it sounds weird cause we had our reunion dinner at Indian restaurant. haha. but who cares? as long as the whole family gathered together :) dinner was fine. After dinner, headed to grandma's house. this is my mom's side. met all the long-time-no-see relatives. and my cousin's son is so damn cute!!! he kept smiling all the time. siok-nya to see him. LOL! then went to my another grandma's house, now is my dad's side. after awhile we went home. overall just got a few ang paos. =)

26 January 2009
first day of Chinese New Year! so people, Happy Ox Year! =) woke up at 5.30 in the morning. wondering why? cause sent my parents to aiport. they're going to Hong Kong. how fun! i wish i can go too! haha. came back from airport, obviously i took the fastest speed to change back my pyjamas and continue sleeping. woke up pretty late, then watched movie at home. Night time, went dinner at Gurney Nando's with Sis, Jo, Ykhang and his cousin. After dinner headed to Ykhang's house to gamble. Sis's friends were all there, YonJian and Colin came later. for the whole night, i didnt win nor lose. LOL. then followed my sis home.

27 January 2009
second day of CNY! as usual, woke up late. lunch at Gurney Nando's again with my sis. this can consider as my breakfast, lunch and dinner de. cause we ate at around 5pm. in fact it should be tea time. lol. Night time went Bed with them. there's too many for me to list out. again, gamble! i just play a small amount, im a good girl. haha. Bed closed, left only me, wen, greg, yonjian, colin and javen. then we went to Alan's burger for supper. gossh! they talked all nonsense. but still fun :) reached home and my sis's friends still at my house, so i continued gambling with them. I only gamble during chinese new year. Me, Sis and Wei Hoong shared capital for being chong. end of the night, the chong won. so we got 50 bucks each. *big smile*
28 January 2009
Colin came to pick me up along with Javen. lunch with them at Sam Hui. [ i guess? if im not mistaken ] after we've taken our lunch, went to pick YeeMing up. then we headed to YuWei's house cause he wants Javen to help him to set his hair. After setting up, it was almost 4pm. YuWei fetched us to Gurney and meet up with the rest. 9 of us went for a movie called Bride Wars. movie was fine, nice tho! :) after movie, we then headed to Mindy's house. quite a number of friends went, there's nothing else better to do, so gamble again. this night, i lost RM15. After Mindy's house, went clubbing with them at Fame. it's ladies night! =) then bumped into Anna, May, Kristi and Amelia too. no pictures were taken cause my camera's with my parents and my handphone cant take a clearer picture in dark condition. outing without picture is so not me. LOL! Finished clubbing, supper at some hawker place then went home. Another fun day =)

29 January 2009
As usual, slept until noon. watched The Gem Of Life in the afternoon. around 6pm, went airport to fetched my parents. they are finally back from Hong Kong.they got us some souvenir from Hong Kong. Mom bought me a Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner set. I'm loving it! *Big Thankss* =) went dinner with them at Gurney Kim Gary. Got home then Ykhang picked me up along with Colin, we went to Elaine's house. CNY, what else can we do? gamble only lo. this time i didnt play by myself. i shared with my friend. no winning nor losing for me. Lol. went home at around 12.30 . stomach not feeling good ended up i slept at 4am. Goshh, unhealhty lifestyle.

30 January 2009
Friday, Mum asked me to get some bus tickets for my sis. so i followed her to town. After i've gotten the tickets, went one-stop and prangin to buy some dvds. At around 5pm, Colin, YonJian and Victor came to pick me up. we then headed to YuWei's house. the boys gambled again. i didnt gamble at that night cause i dont feel like. so i just see them playing. feel so panic with the chong's cards. LOL! Around 9pm, Colin, Chuckie and I went to fetch YeeMing at somewhere Batu Lanchang. Colin was the one driving. guess we had spent about 40mins to search for the place. Finally we found it. After picking her, we went BanHoo for dinner. Shaun and his friend joined us too. Dinner ended, went back to YuWei's house. Some of them were still playing cards while the others were drinking. Late at night, all of us went Ali for supper. After supper, we went to field which located opposite Adventist Hospital to play firecrackers.thank god there's no police passby. then HOME =)

to be continue... =)
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