16 September
Alex's Birthday Party was held at his house.
he invited all of us.
transportation is provided.
how good huh. dont have to worry bout it.
and he must thanks to his friend being driver of the day.
not much pictures were taken.
all random shots.
okay. back to topic,

Date : 16 September 2008
Day : Tuesday
Time : 7.30 pm- 11 pm
Venue : His House
it has been a very long time since i last received an invitation card. Lol.
normally a call says it all.
straight go to the cake time.
we dinnt take pics at the beginning as we're busy eating. Lol

the Birthday boy, Alex
and the Birthday girl, Ping
were making their wish
hope ur wish may come true :)

hmm what's so funny btw? hehe..


Gamble time!
OMG! i lose RM 350 !!
to me it's such a big amount.
*heart pain*
nah~ just kidding la.
i only lose RM 3.50.
my 2 days lunch in school. haha!
wednesday public holiday.
so everyone manage to stay up late.
all of us went back at 1am :)
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