Year 2004 * Form 2 *

couldn't find the short hair me.
remember? the pics we took in gurney during my bday i guess. hehe.
Year 2005 * Form 3 *

as we sit just next to each other.
we fooled around, studied together,
really miss those moments :)

although our result was'nt really that good.
but who cares right? haha we don study for it.
so what do you expect? haha.

we were celebrating in gurney.
Year 2006 * Form 4 *
our favourite picture! Lol

due to transportation problem.
unlike now, we can go anywhere we want to.
Year 2007 * Form 5 *
Lol that time was having our SPM still.
Year 2008 * Pre-U *
we chilled together.
and we dance together.
i miss those time.

conclusion, I've known you for almost 5 years.
once again,
have a wonderful 18th!
love you :)
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