Hi people im back!
before you start reading this post, make sure u have the time if you want to complete reading.
cause it will be a lengthy post =)
i havent blogged for a week already. really busy these days.
homeworks are killing me, tuition drives me crazy, school's tiring.
not to say i don have the time to blog, i dont even have the time to catch up my series too.
The Gem Of Life, im still stuck at episode 50! im way behind... =(
now i spend a little time to keep my blog alive.
so as usual, i cramp everything in one post.
Another one-week-post =)
Monday to Friday, my normal school life, wake up early everyday.
go to school study, teachers will never late to class.
before the lessons end, homework is a must for each subject everyday.
that is why i say homeworks are killing me.
the only time i can take a rest is during recess.
i've been gossiping alot these day with jac and ping.
Lately even chuckie joined in the talking too.
kaypo pun him..Lol
break is only 20 mins, obviously it's not enough for me to eat and talk.
on Thursday, 15 January 2009
FCC's first practise.
at first i support FCC but ever since i saw the teacher advisor,
really what-a-disappointment!
and now i dont feel like going to training anymore.
the teacher, HE IS SUCKS! i seriously hate him.
why is he the one incharge of FCC? i dont understand.
first practise, he dont even choose the ajk but asked us to run for 5 rounds! gossh.
whenever i see him, he disgusts me.
practise ended at 5pm, my tuition starts at 5 too.
headed to tuition then tuition ended at 8pm.
what a busy day for me, and there's tonnes of homeworks waiting for me.
On Friday, 16 January 2009
school ended at 12.20pm. talked with the girls after school.
then headed to carpark. and we saw chuckie's car.
so we mess up his car and kept his access card.
then they went to play basketball, i didnt want to follow cause it was hot. i just dont wanna get darker.
this is the pic he took outside his car.
driver's seat-Camel, front seat-YunPei,
back seat for me and Jacelyn.

On Saturday, 17 January 2009
there's a replacement of school.
not only for my school but most of the school.
being a good student, of course i went.
not like a saturday to me.
after school, Mum and sis asked me whether want to go Queensbay or not.
obviously my answer is YES! dont feel like rotting at home on Saturday
plus CNY is just around the corner. i rather sacrifice my nappy time in order to follow them.
shopped and got myself a top. Queensbay not that crowded than i thought.
Met Qinz and JooFong.
then headed to Tesco cause mum wanted to get some stuff. not that much people tho!
and i ate Baskin mint chocolate chips ice-cream! it satisfied my craving! =)
after tesco, went one-stop to buy disc.
then went home at around 7 something.
Chuckie came to pick me up at 8pm.
we went Giant to find Colin.
He worked as a promoter for chocolates.
Anyone interested in buying chocolates?
you can find him, he's working on Thursday and Friday next week.

Colin the promoter.
im not used to see him dressed in that way.
i just laughed out loud when i see him.
and the way he promote, speechless. haha
He finished working at 9pm, then we went one western food's shop nearby my house.
After eating, Colin suggested to find YeeMing.
actually me and chuckie know what's his motive. Lol
so we went to pick her up and headed to Farlim Mcd.
next i will let the pictures do the talking.

YeeMing! I heart her
♥i got the free balloon from the worker. hehe =)

Colin and Chuckie
chuckie was playing with the kid next to him.
look how childish is he. Lol
we got bored so we decided to play cards.
we played chor tai dee.
YeeMing does'nt knows how to play so she took all those random pics like :
1) Me
2) Colin, he was thinking of how to arrange his cards.

3) Chuckie

Played a few rounds, then Colin and YeeMing played 8,9 open.
they played for 10 rounds,
loser have to treat the other movie.
so Colin is the loser. dont forget your promise.
then four of us played blackjack.
Loser have to treat us curly fries.
guess who's the loser? Chuckie's the loser.
dont forget your curly fries. Lol.

is back
oh she showed us her student picture!
how cute is she. even she's with specs! =)
then we left at 12, dropped YeeMing back then they sent me home.
reached my house, Colin wanted to pee,
so he borrowed my toilet. 20 cent per entry. LOL
then they messed up my house and left at 12.30
had a bath then straight jumped onto my bed and slepp.
out for the whole day and i had a nice sleep =)
both of them.
On Sunday, 18 January 2009
woke up at 11am.
finally i get to wake up late after the 6days of schooling.
went Padang for lunch with family.
we had poh piah and yong tao fu.
went Tesco again. hehe
today was crowded. even the queue is so damn long.
everyone's getting ready to welcome CNY.
then went home and i took a 45 mins nap. edited some pics to change my desktop wallpaper.
my current desktop wallpaper =)
dinner at home alone cause parents and sis went out for dinner and i didnt want to follow.
alright guess i spent alot of time blogging here. Account is waiting for me!
Bye! see you next week =)
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