had my wonderful Saturday!
went gurney in the afternoon along with my sister,
we had our lunch in Kim Gary.
before that my sister had a quarrel with the worker over there.
story begins like this:
by the time we reached KimGary,
quite a number of people were queue-ing.
so we took a number and waited patiently,
the next number was given to a angmo together with a kid.
after a moment, the worker - HE gave a seat to them before us
and it was suppose to be our turn,
obviously we got frustrated, so my sister argued with him.
sis him
Eh? i thought we came first? how come u gave them a seat before us?
(scares) Errr......Errr......Err...............because they made reservation earlier.
Funny! I saw u gave her the number after us okay?
Err... Err... okok, this table is leaving soon, i will clear this table and give you first.
Of course la! we came first what! anyway u should follow the numbers.
Sorry sorry..
whoaaaahh!!! we got so angry okay!
thought we can easily kena bullied is it?
plus that time we were so damn hungry!
angry + hungry = explode
den we ordered and waited eagerly,
here it goes some snappies:

after we had finish, while we settled the bill,
HE came to us and said:
Sorry ya, sorry sorry..........
me and my sister just laughed and walk away. LOL!
we went shopping after this!
shopped floor by floor
and ended up we get ourself a top and body scrup. *small achievements*

a box of six, here it is. Look so tempting is'nt?

oh ya, met my " favourite " girl in gurney.
she's too hot, sexy and super-photogenic!
after came back from gurney.
thought i can study for that night.
but my sister asked me whether wanna go autocity to see LAM FUNG.
because her friends are going.
i was like so excited. Of Course i wanna go!
he's my favourite actor all the while.
only him. im always so loyal to my favourite actor and actress too! haha
so i decided to join them!
obviously i dinnt touch my book at all these 3 days!
omg! im dead soon! as if final's over is it?
then i get myself dressed up nicely to get ready to go autocity.

before headed to autocity

finally we reached the destination!

since the time was still early,
so we decided to have our dinner at Nando's
chit-chatted and crapped alot in the restaurant.
especially miss joelle with her all funny actions and jokes,
i seriously laughed alot! haha!
and look at this pic. see what is she trying to do?

poor thing Joyce! hahaha!
must jaga jaga yourself the next time u hang out with her.

when the time strikes 10.30pm,
finally HE's here!!
who is he? hmm.. he is :
oh god! i seriously love him!
he's as entao as in the movie!
but such a waste la! he din'nt sing that night,
because he is sick or whatever.
OVER!! i dont care whether u're sick or not u should at least sing one song right!
people all the way here just to listen. haha
okay. let's show some of the pics ler. and i video-ed it!
but it's too far away. and due to my phone's camera " lousiness "
i could'nt take a clearer look of him. only his shadow.
and one thing i've forgotten to bring my camera's memory card. that's why.
arghh! what the hell! @#%^&*@~
but nevermind ler. he's the one wearing yellow shirt and i circle him with red.

Clear enough right! although it's kinda blur.
he'll look better without his tie.

and his signature in gold.
can u actually see a love over there? lol
how good if this belongs to me.
went home after we got his signature and all,
and the penang bridge was really jam!
we stucked in the traffic jam was like almost one hour.
eventually we reached home safely.
here is my blissful saturday!