went Youth Park for the event Potato Thon,
organised by i-dono-who,
we went under Tourism Club.
10 person from the lower six
and the other groups are from Form3 and Form5.
thought we are going to have a cooking potato competition,
but ended up we played telematch,
u know what? we compete with the little small kiddy,
aged less than 10 i guess.
Form 6 students compete with Kids??
sounds ridiculous is'nt? hahaha!
the winner-all-the-time belongs to the group of form 3 in MBS.
they're too active. LOL!
as usual, pictures taking is a must :)

and this is only 1/3 of the queue,
my handphone's camera could'nt fix the full queue,
wonder why were they queue-ing?
LOL! queue to get free food!
ok i should say,
queue for the free food that are mainly made from potatoes,
why potatoes? because it's a potato thon. haha!

know who are they?
if no please scroll down :)

Kathrine and Me :)
Lol. we joint the long queue to get the food too!
To avoid the wastage of time,
guess what we did?
we spent the waiting time by.....
taking pictures like nobody's business.
tonnes of group photos were taken
due to Kathrine's " TAKE AGAIN " Lol!
i only uploaded a few of them
because the rest are more or less the same..

Cik Marizatul and Pn Rose

main ingredient is POTATO!

the food does'nt tastes that good.

taken by miss Kathrine.

after i tied my hair. LOL!
again, taken by HER.

me and kathrine

the glow-in-the-dark Dinosaur Keychain belongs to Chuckie,
and the pink thingy belongs to me.
wonder what it is?
nah! here it is!

especially the little cute comb :)
oh. excluded my pendrive.
went gurney in the afternoon with my sister to get some stuff,
after that went BIG APPLE to get myself CHOREO,
met Colin with his family while i was queue-ing.
i know u like Snowy, but do try out CHOREO
It's NICE! :)
end of my wonderful Sunday. Haha!
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