My parents got me a swatch watch, my favourite watch. actually i got it one month ago. i always got the first present from them. A Roxy purse from my sisters, Doreen and JingRou. I love the purse so much :) then my biggest present of the year, Gingerbreadman from my darling YeeMing and Colin. It's so cute and nice to hug. my dearest jimui Ping and Jac got me a handmade card. It's my precious card. you guys know i love it! besides that, Jac, Ping, YunPei and QianYu got me a top that i wanted long time ago, wee~ May and Aric bought me pyjamas for my present. A very special present i feel. hehe Thanks May for choosing it! A bracelet from my bestie Sunny, nice bracelet! Necklace from my dearest jimui/brother, Chuckie. and Thankss for the surprise. Lol. Hannah, ChongMun, JayWan, Samuel and WeiYee got me marshmallow and sweets from Famous Amos. I'm sure that the present is chosen by Hannah cause she loves sweets! Eddy got me 2 mugs with 2 bears and one handmade card. A very nice card. Last will be the wallet and 4mugs with different kind of sound. the mugs are just so cute. this 2 presents are from my 11 schoolmates, TingTing, Camel, HuiMin, Give, Monique, KuiKui, PohChiang, Alex, GuoWen, BoonShu and WeiYee :)
Next, I would like to thanks to my dearest friends for wishing me during my birthday.
Below are the people who wished me thru different ways =))SMS (according to time)
birthday wishes from my dearest sifu all the way from New Zealand! He was the first to wish me Happy Birthday cause he wished me at 12 of NewZealand time, which is 5 hours faster than here.so to be exact, i received his message around 7 plus.
Another birthday wish all the way from Australia! She's not here to celebrate with me this year for the first time ever since we met. i'm glad that i still got birthday wish from her although we're seperated by different countries. Thanks Wern =)
He's no longer be the last person to wish me cause he used to wish me for the very last minute for the previous years. hehe
sending me a text wishing me happy birthday in the first sentence then she asked me whether wanna buy colour lens or not. wonder the purpose of her sending text is to wish me happy birthday or the colour lens thingy. haha. but stil thanks la xiao jie! I miss you badly!
Thanks for the wish! too bad you cant make it to hang out on my big day. Next year la.
sending me a very cute text with animation and birthday song. i love it =)
Yi Lin
this girl here, wished me twice! so sincere of her. and the decoration of the text is nice.
Ting Ting
Thanks sweetheart for sending me a text wishing me Happy Birthday although you were just sitting in front of me that time in Coffee Island
HuiMin, QianYu, Camel, Qinz, TingTing, JooFung, Give, Monique, BoonShu, WeiHoong, ChunKit, GuoWen and PohChiang
All of them wished me by singing birthday song for me at 12 sharp in Coffee Island!
sending me a very long text with all the nonsense! haha. he said he spent 5 mins to finish that message. Anyway thanks ya.
he gave me a call to wish me Happy Birthday. Thanks Lex Kor! haha
Thanks for the birthday wish. and sorry for letting you to wait for me. Good to see you on my birthday!
she promised me that she'll send me a birthday message although her phone was out of credit that time and she did it. she used unknown number to text me by telling me that she's little jacelyn! haha i just laughed out loud when i saw the "little" . she's the one who wished me the most this year in different ways like personally, sms, facebook, chatbox, friendster and she wrote a post about me specially for my birthday. =))
wished me Happy Birthday again after she got home. my cutest classmate! she drives all the way just to celebrate with me. feeling so touched.
Li Jia
I was shocked when i got her message. was Wondering how she knows. Anyway still thank you :)
Zheng Ying
Thanks ya. first time see you dressed in formal. Lol
Qian Yu
received her message in car and she's just sitting beside me! Thank you fishie!
YeeMing, May, Madeline, Chuckie, Colin, YKhang, Javen, ChungKhye, Eddy, LST, YonJian, ZiYing, Alyn
13 of them hide inside my house to give me a surprise! The moment i opened my house door, all of them came out and sang birthday song. i was really shocked and unexpectable, Surprised! more about this surprise party in the next post.
wishing me Happy Birthday by calling me faicai watermelon. Never change, he has been calling me that since form 4.
Poh Yee
Thanks for celebrating with me and the birthday wish!
YAYA, stop bluffing me that you actually made the cupcakes. haha. i trust you that you could'nt send me birthday message in time due to your handphone cacatness. haha Thanks :)
Thanks alot for the message Anna! And she did a very sweet birthday post for me =)) By looking through all the pics in her blog, it reminds me the moments we have been together in high school. we have been friends for 5 years and we're getting closer each year. you'll never missed to celebrate my birthday together until now. Glad to have a good friend like you. hugs
Chong Mun
Thanks. Don't have to apologise for leaving early cause your presence is enough.
Thank you for the birthday wish :)
Big Thankss to my dearest darling! the first time reveiced such a longgg message from her. feeling so touched and sweet by reading her message! Hugs~
Yeong Boon
Thank you very much
HaiThong, JayWan, HuiYing
they are all my schoolmates, Thankss :)
Hoay Ping
she sent me a birthday wish along with her good news that she passed her undang test. Congrats girl! She's the same age as me but she only take her undang test 2 years after me! haha lazy ass. She wrote a lovely post about my birthday too! I'm loving it =))
Tzou En, Mindy, WeiTheng
Thank you for remembering my birthday! :)
Another message from long distance. She sent me a birthday message all the way from Japan! How lovely is she. She's always being so cute and sweet. I appreciate the birthday message. Thanks jessica! =) this is my first birthday celebration without you.
This girl here, she wanted to be the last person to wish me but still i received another message after her. haha so she's the second last!
He's the last person who wish me Happy Birthday at 11.58pm. Kathrine's blaming you for snatching her last place. haha. Anyway thank you! :)
Kel Wen
belated birthday wish from him! He knows my birthday in tuition which is 2 days after. But still thank you!
Chong Wee
Peng Chooi
Hui Ying
Teong Phei
Facebook [ i don't list out for those unknowns ]
Kee Wah
Fu Jin
Yee Ming
Poh Vee
Wei Theng
Xiao Min
Ai Chia
havent logged in friendster for sometime already. most of them are unknowns. so I'll just say Thank You! =)
Love my family and glad to have great friends like you!
Your greetings are very very much appreciated!
You guys made my day! xoxo =))
Kee Wah
Fu Jin
Yee Ming
Poh Vee
Wei Theng
Xiao Min
Ai Chia
havent logged in friendster for sometime already. most of them are unknowns. so I'll just say Thank You! =)
Love my family and glad to have great friends like you!
Your greetings are very very much appreciated!
You guys made my day! xoxo =))
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