planned to bake cupcakes with May one week ago.
the reason is i wanna bake for my mum's birthday.
she still helped me out although she was having her finals last week.
so kind of her *big thanks* =)
she came picked me up from her college and we went to Bonjour Trader to get the ingredients.
after that we went Island Plaza's Cold Storage to get some other ingredients.
before going to her house, went Starbucks to get myself coffee to keep me awake.
then messaged wern to go may's house.
It reminds me of the candy we used to have when we were young. Inside were all covered with powder and there were candy inside. Now, they no longer sell the one we used to buy when we were young, & the powder got much lesser. Guess they change new packing.
[sounds familiar? well, i copied from May's blog! Lol ]
took a pic with may
i dinnt break it =)
the cupcakes contain excessive colourings.
thanks to wern
No! she's just tired of fighting with Kristi.
by 10pm, we went to some hawker nearby May's house to have dinner.
Lok Lok. it just looked tempting to all of us as we were hungry that time!
cleaning sessions.
poor thing May.
look at three of them
no one wants to help her.
since i messed up her house,
so is a must i help her to clean it.

it's for my Mummy! =)

she's back for 3 days
my money was in may's hand.
give her awards for helping me to bake cupcakes.
Nah! just kidding la. hahaha
but the money is really mine. Lol
perfect! everyone's in!
left her house at 12am.
Next went to Hotel Stay.
i'll mention bout it in the next post.
thanks for helping me out the whole day until sacrificed your study time, sleeping time and dinner time.
my Mom said it tastes very nice.
thanks for helping me out the whole day until sacrificed your study time, sleeping time and dinner time.
my Mom said it tastes very nice.
and my sister thanks you too!
such a good friend of you! [ huggs ]
appreciate it alot!!
Thanks again! ♥
love you
Thanks again! ♥
love you
i'll be seeing you later! =)
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