First of all, i would like to thank my dearest for wishing my mum in a different ways.
although just a simple " HAPPY BIRTHDAY "
maybe it does'nt mean anything to some of you.
but it does mean alot to my mum!
i hereby pass the message from her to thanks all of you.
May - she wished through MSN. and she helped me alot in the cupcake making part.
i will mention about it in the next post. waiting for her to send me the pics then i'll blog about it =)
Anna - she wished in her BLOG. u can visit her blog. and she was at my place on that day. LOL
Sunny - she wished through SMS. she wrote a very long and sweet message. " sweet-nya! "
Jessica - she wished in my CHATBOX! u guys can check it out.
and she scares me. i thought why is she calling me aunty! haha
Wern & Kristi - they helped me in making the cupcakes too. so thank you too =)

Lol. actually is my first time baking. *paiseh*
surprised my mum when the time striked 12am!
i carried it into her room with birthday song.
she was very touched that i managed to bake things for her.
and she likes hand-made present,
although it does'nt cost alot.
i vide0-ed her expression.
too bad she don't allowed me to post it up. Lol
her birthday card.
no more hand-made cause the previous is all hand-made.
even she dont mind but stil i got bored of it.
must get something new to surprise her.

no more hand-made cause the previous is all hand-made.
even she dont mind but stil i got bored of it.
must get something new to surprise her.
we went Queensbay Dragon-i to have our lunch.
my eldest sister treated her.

my eldest sister treated her.
Dad and Mum
my precious =)
me and my eldest sis.
Note that : im younger than her kay!
im bored of letting people says im the eldest!
Duhh! haha!
night time, cupcakes open ceremony. haha
Anna came after to study Accounts.
suppose to be meeting her up in the afternoon in Gurney with YonJian i think.
but she cancelled it because she got no books? haha so ended up she came over my house along with Ryan (eh wern, got Ryan's feel right? haha)

my precious =)

Note that : im younger than her kay!
im bored of letting people says im the eldest!
Duhh! haha!

hope my mum really likes it.
it's all my hardwork. hehe
hope u stay healthy and happy forever! I ♥ You!
it's all my hardwork. hehe
hope u stay healthy and happy forever! I ♥ You!

suppose to be meeting her up in the afternoon in Gurney with YonJian i think.
but she cancelled it because she got no books? haha so ended up she came over my house along with Ryan (eh wern, got Ryan's feel right? haha)
she brings a set of question paper, a set of answer sheets and a pen.
no calculator, no notes, no other stationeries. haha
and Ryan, unlike Anna so hardworking.
and Ryan, unlike Anna so hardworking.
he enjoyed playing with my phone all night.
I've no idea he get ready for it or he dont even cares the exam. haha
and he needs to borrow calculator from me for his accounts paper. Lol!
Anna, Hope i did helped you out in accounts.
GoodLuck kay.. Ryan too =)
Had fun talking to Anna. the last time you came was on my birthday!
Had fun talking to Anna. the last time you came was on my birthday!
Hope to see you soon. huggs!

trying to figure out
Me & Anna ♥
by, FC ♥
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