15 November 2008
to be continued from the previous post.
I had mentioned that i went to May's house to bake cupcakes.
and left her house at 12am to go hotel stay.
yah, so here it is.
i will only consider this date as i only started to join them after 12am. Lol
went Tanjung Bungah Hotel.
reached there at around 12.15 am,
thanks to my friends for waiting me in the lobby.

surprisingly u asked to take picture with me. LOL

Ting Ting

the cupcakes i made for them =)

fighting while bed-ing?

i've no idea why is he so excited that night.
maybe someone 's there. haha
maybe someone 's there. haha

Colin came to find us after his outing.
just compare his eyes and mine,
i wonder how he stands the flash night.
and chuckie keep playing with the flash. yor!
oh ya, colin said that i hav a fake smile. is it? =(

Colin was the 'chong' and he was the winner.
must thanks me and chuckie for bringing u there. haha
he said, the next time u guys gonna play poker ,
call him. haha

thanks to Tomato and the group. Lol
slept at 5.30am and woke up at 7.30am.
unlike Jacelyn and the gang,
got to sleep on such a comfortable bed.
sleep earlier than us, wake up later than us.
hahaha =)

Next, went to beach.
the morning beach is just so nice
lesser people, cleaner environment.
Me, Jac, Fish, Ping
=)then Qinz joined in later.
now is THE FIVE.
at first there's only the four of us,
buteveryone came later.
here is the 70% group picture
missing out some of them.
don't know where they have gone to.
then the GIRLS.
only girls
Lol, im just like their " tai ka jie "
everyone was hiding behind me.
ya right, i have the power to protect them. haha
Mr Poh Chiang.
Not only girls do that.
Boys too!
Tomato & i =)

Hui Min
Monique, me and YunPei

everyone was hiding behind me.
ya right, i have the power to protect them. haha

Not only girls do that.
Boys too!

me and huimin
tiga budak-budak kecil di belakang.
Ping =)
Last but not least, Kui Kui
tiga budak-budak kecil di belakang.

Left the hotel at 12pm,
thanks to YunPei for dropping me home.
while we're on the way home,
Jacelyn Lok just cant stop argue-ing with me.
i have no idea why.
maybe her life just " no argue no life "
hahaha, well, im the one make her energetic. *wee* =)
pity Ting's ear have to suffer from our arguements. Lol
sorry har miss TingTing. Lol!
went Gurney after that.
New Wing is officially open!
now no longer the old gurney feel,
like more to KL shopping mall.
but i still like it la, more shops, more restaurants.
is this cute?
i just love it!
the bed is just so cute. it costs RM 139.90
the opened view was the one on the left.
to put ur accessories and stuff with a big mirror.
the little chair is to put your handphone.
my sister got these for her friends.
went home and get ready my mum's birthday card.
and surprised my mom at 12am.
so i only sleep for 2 hours the whole day.
how good if i can stand sleeping for 2 hours everyday during exams. Lol.
slept at 1am and woke up at 1pm the next day.
spent half of my day sleeping. haha!
pity Ting's ear have to suffer from our arguements. Lol
sorry har miss TingTing. Lol!
went Gurney after that.
New Wing is officially open!
now no longer the old gurney feel,
like more to KL shopping mall.
but i still like it la, more shops, more restaurants.

i just love it!
the bed is just so cute. it costs RM 139.90
the opened view was the one on the left.
to put ur accessories and stuff with a big mirror.
the little chair is to put your handphone.
my sister got these for her friends.
went home and get ready my mum's birthday card.
and surprised my mom at 12am.
so i only sleep for 2 hours the whole day.
how good if i can stand sleeping for 2 hours everyday during exams. Lol.
slept at 1am and woke up at 1pm the next day.
spent half of my day sleeping. haha!
by FC ♥
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